What I've done
Featured on
"The Crunch: AI power drain, balloons across Korea and UK rivers flood with sewage", The Guardian. June 27th, 2024.
"Guidance for guidelines: Writing a stylebook from scratch", Nightingale, Guidelines (Issue 03). Winter 2023.
Book cover co-designer | Alexander C. R. Hammond. Heroes of Progress: 65 People Who Changed the World. Cato Institute, 2024.
Book cover co-designer | Chelsea Follett. Centers of Progress: 40 Cities That Changed the World. Cato Institute, 2023.
Book cover co-designer | Gale Pooley and Marian Tupy. Superabundance: The Story of Population Growth, Innovation, and Human Flourishing on an Infinitely Bountiful Planet. Cato Institute, 2022.
Data visualization and book designer | Ian Vasquez, Fred McMahon, Ryan Murphy, and Guillermina Sutter Schneider. The Human Freedom Index. Cato Institute and Fraser Institute, 2021.
Data visualization designer | Women's Rights Around the World. (May 2021)
Data visualization designer | Alex Nowrasteh and Benjamin Powell. Wretched Refuse? Cambridge University Press, 2020.
Data visualization and book designer | Ronald Bailey and Marian Tupy. Ten Global Trends Every Smart Person Should Know. Cato Institute, 2020.
Co-author | Data Visualization Guidelines for the Cato Institute. (March 2019)
Speaker | Let’s create constructive charts! b° future festival. (Bonn, September 2023)
Speaker | DataViz: A Thousand Faces. DC DataViz Meetup. (May 2022)
Guest, podcast | Visualizing Pipelines and Communicating Results. The Weekly Regression Podcast. (March 2021)
Speaker | DataViz for non-profits (Outlier Conference - February 2021)
Speaker | DataViz: Simplificar para entender y comunicar (BBVA - October 2020)
Speaker | TEDx Talk: Human Progress Around the World (Bochum, Germany - May 2018)